Advocate Partner Sites

ECF partner sites foster enthusiasm and commitment to getting the most from utilizing their after-school hours and turning their programs into a high-stake learning environment. Our model allows the provider to control programming, curriculum, and enrichment. ECF encourages creativity, offers coaching, preferred online supplemental educational programs, data tracking, and support with goal setting. We offer a stream line grant application process, with supportive guidance on grant implementation, data tracking and impact reports.
Apply For a Grant
Boy reading with tutor at Boys and Girls Club

Interested in becoming a partner?

“Due to the generous support of Education Comes First, we were able to provide better quality programing with pure academic and social outcomes that positively impacted over 200 youth per day!”
— ECF Grant Recipient
Girl reading by boxing ring
Educational Mentors
Foster Enthusiasm
High-Stakes Learning Environment
Encouraging Creativity
Want to get involved with ECF?
Contact us if you'd like to support, partner, or become a sponsor.